Pushing Israel Under the Bus Won't be Easy!

Posted by Olivier Melnick on July 16, 2015

After years of sanctions and failed attempts at curbing Iran's appetite for a  nuclear weapon, we now have a deal. What a relief to know that Iran will soon be added to the list of international powers, seeking to "better the world and promote peace."

It is both ironic and frightening to witness the caving in of America and other world powers, days after Iranians marched the streets shouting "Death to America" and "Death to Israel." Iran's al-Qud's day last week was once again the proof that we are dealing with a fierce enemy of democracy and progress. So, since all actions have consequences, we should lift all sanctions on Iran and pour up to $200 billion into their economy, right?

Could the US have at least demanded that incarcerated Pastor Saeed (along with three other Americans) be freed as part of the deal? Considering that President Obama said that "securing his freedom was a top priority", you would hope so. What an opportunity we have missed.

President Obama spoke from the White House delivering a clear and believable message–if only to himself, which seems to be what really matters. He said:" A comprehensive long-term deal with Iran that will prevent it from acquiring a nuclear weapon. This deals demonstrates that American diplomacy can bring about real and meaningful change, change that makes our country and the world safer and more secure... Today, because America negotiated from a position of strength and principle, we have stopped the spread of nuclear weapons in this region." Wow!

Much of the world is scratching its head and asking the question "Why?" when in reality we are way passed the "why" on this matter. We are now into the "Now What?" We can continue to ponder whether President Obama acted out of ignorance, arrogance or even defiance. Unfortunately, identifying the motives this late in the game might be fruitful if you are writing a history book but will be pointless in the midst of what we should consider a global existential crisis. It goes along the lines of trying to determine if President Obama is a closet Muslim or not. It no longer matters since he has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is at the very least a sympathizer if not an open supporter of some of the worst terrorist organizations on the planet, now including Iran.

It could be easily argued that the Iran deal is akin to pushing Israel under the bus, but we must not forget that on the road to Islamic hegemony, America is next to be trampled down. If indeed this Iran deal is approved by Congress, it will not stop the clock on Iranian nukes but reset the timer on a shorter unchallenged run.

Incidentally, Congress is now faced with one of the most important decision in the history of our nation. Not so amazingly anymore but defiantly, our president has already threatened to use his veto if Congress gets in the way of this "historic" deal. Everything ends-up being historic at some point. The falling of the Berlin Wall was historic, and so were the rise of Hitler and his abuse of power. If Congress really wants to make history in a positive way, they will not let our current president intimidate them and they will get the two-thirds bi-partisan majority to stop the treaty from going into action.

In the meantime and once again, Israel finds itself in a very precarious situation. Prime Minister Netanyahu was of course quick to respond and laid out the facts that represent a real danger for Israel AND the world. In agreement with him, I see several great concerns ahead:

• A bold regime of Islamic thugs has just be made bolder by a lame, ex-leader of the free world.

• Iran's economic sanctions will be lifted, allowing the country to become a desirable prospect in the business world. In other words, a lot of people are about to make a lot of money in this deal, starting with Iran. So, really, what's the loss of a few lives in the grand scale of the global market? (This is sick but true in many cases.)

• Billions are going to be released back into the Iranian coffers as a sign of good will and to help them rebuild their future; a future including an Islamic Caliphate with no Israel and no America. Not only that, but even if a small fraction of those funds are funneled to finance Hamas, Hizbollah and other terrorist organizations, it will increase the already existing danger to a whole new level. Hamas and Hizbollah will greatly benefit from Iranian funds...and we should get excited about this deal because...?

• Iran's would have ten years before they can resume all nuclear operations. What is it exactly that they promised to stop doing under this deal? NOTHING. And if they promised or agreed to anything, we know that they cannot be trusted under their current regime.

• Israel will be forced to defend itself meaning that if they are alone in going after Iran's nuclear facilities, they will go alone. But what the rest of the world needs to understand is that once Israel makes a preemptive move, Iran's response will be global and not local to the region. It could turn out that Israel will lead a coalition of various countries in a campaign to destroy Iran's nuclear capabilities. America will certainly not lead, at least not under this administration.

• Israel and many Arab countries are extremely concerned about the outcome of this deal. Like Netanyahu mentioned in an interview (2:30):" it doesn't happen very often in history but when Arabs and Israelis agree, it is worth paying attention."

It is possible that several countries are interested in stopping Iran's nuclear proliferation, but they have so much at stake that they will not make a move. Israel has become the "older brother" in the region, and when the world gets bullied, the older brother comes to the rescue. It certainly looks like the United States and other powers that agreed to the Iran deal are trying to push Israel under the bus. But Israel is determined to survive and as time might soon tell, this is to the world's benefit.

For the time being, it is indeed a win/win situation, but only for Iran. President Obama self-centered obsession for a legacy has reached a new high. If the deal goes unchallenged, it will become a legacy of huge negative proportions. That is of course if we are here long enough to write the history books retelling the events.

Now would be a good time to remind President Obama and the other nations involved that when you throw Israel under the bus, you throw the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as well. This doesn't end well for Israel's enemies as Zechariah reminds us:

And in that day I will set about to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem
(Zechariah 12:9)

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4 comments on “Pushing Israel Under the Bus Won't be Easy!”

  1. I think it is important to note that the Iran deal is not an Obama deal, it's an American deal. Obama won the popular vote and the electoral vote. HE IS THE FACE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. He is simply the messenger of how the majority of the American public feels. After Obama's speech, there was no out cry by the American public or any other nation. This is your new reality! Come Jesus come.

    1. our nation is already under God's judgement. We as a nation are in total rebellion against God. True born again Christians know what is coming and will redeem the time that is left.

  2. Could this be the manifestation of I Thessalonians 5:3? For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travails upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

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