Who We Are

Shalom in Messiah exists to inspire and equip Christians to fulfill the Great Commission everywhere — and particularly with Jewish people.

Shalom in Messiah seeks to train the members of the Body of Messiah in the principles of biblical evangelism and to provide them with practical tools to proclaim the Gospel.

As an advocate against antisemitism in all of its forms, Shalom in Messiah also seeks to educate and mobilize Christians to fight the longest hatred. We hope and pray that this endeavor will allow us to rebuild bridges between Christians and Jews.


Olivier Melnick, MBTS

Executive Director

Doug Gilmore, MS, JD

Vice President Operations,
General Counsel

Board of Directors

Olivier Melnick

Robert Schwartz

Doug Gilmore

Statement of Faith

THERE IS ONE GOD, creator of all things. He is perfect, infinite, and eternal in all His ways. He exists in three separate, but equal, persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
YESHUA ( JESUS ) THE MESSIAH IS TRUE GOD AND TRUE MAN. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross, was buried, and arose on the third day. He later ascended into Heaven, where He is presently seated at the right hand of God the Father as our High Priest and Advocate.
THE HOLY SPIRIT is the third person of the Trinity whose ministry is to glorify the Lord Yeshua the Messiah. He accomplishes this ministry by convicting individuals of their sin, by regenerating, sealing, baptizing and indwelling the believing sinner permanently at the moment of regeneration, and by empowering the Christian for godly living and service.
THE SCRIPTURES, both the Old and New Testaments, are the verbally inspired and inerrant Word of God. Divine inspiration extends equally and fully to all parts and words of the Bible, so that the whole Bible, in the original manuscripts, is without error. The Bible is God’s revelation to man and is, therefore, the final authority for all Christian faith and practice.
GOD CREATED MAN in His image for His glory; however, Adam disobeyed God and, as a consequence, died spiritually. This spiritual death, or total depravity, has been transmitted to the entire human race. Thus, every person comes into this world with a nature that has neither the desire nor the ability to please God, and is therefore in need of divine grace.
GOD HAS PROVIDED THE REMEDY for our disobedience by sending His Son, Yeshua the Messiah, to be the sacrifice for our sins. God has determined that we do not receive forgiveness as a result of our religious deeds or other good works, no matter how well intended, but only by personal faith in Yeshua the Messiah. Those who receive Yeshua the Messiah as their Savior are, at that point, born of the Spirit and are assured of an eternity in Heaven.
THE "TRUE CHURCH," which began at Pentecost, is composed of all individuals (Jews and Gentiles) who, through faith in Yeshua the Messiah, have been united together in one body, of which Yeshua the Messiah is the head.
GOD CHOSE THE JEWISH PEOPLE as His bridge of redemption to a sinful world. He made an everlasting and irrevocable covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This covenant includes the election in perpetuity of Israel as God’s chosen people, the gift of the land of Israel, and the promise of Messiah through whom all families of the earth will be blessed. The nation of Israel, Abraham’s seed, is a kingdom of priests, a light to the nations, a witness to God’s faithfulness, and a continuing part of God’s program.
GOD COMMISSIONED HIS DISCIPLES to take the Gospel to the Jew first and to the nations. God promised to preserve a faithful remnant of Jewish people who embrace God’s message of salvation through the age. Today, this remnant accepts Yeshua as the Messiah. The Apostle Paul urged Gentile believers to share the Gospel with the Jewish people. One day, this mission to his chosen people will conclude when the Lord brings the nation of Israel to repentance and the knowledge of His Son. Scripture declares, “all Israel will be saved.”
WATER BAPTISM AND THE LORD'S SUPPER are the only two ordinances given in the life of every believer. Baptism follows regeneration as a public declaration of identification with the Messiah. The Lord’s Supper is to be taken regularly during the believer’s life as a memorial of Messiah’s sacrificial death. Both of these are to be practiced as a testimony to the world, but neither of them is to be construed as a means of, or an additional requirement for, salvation.
Believers live with the abiding hope and expectation of the FUTURE, CERTAIN, AND PHYSICAL RETURN OF YESHUA THE MESSIAH. He will come first for His Saints and then return with His Saints.
WHEN YESHUA RETURNS, HE WILL REIGN OVER HIS KINGDOM FROM JERUSALEM in fulfillment of the Abrahamic and Davidic covenants. All nations will participate in the blessings of the earthly kingdom and share in the worship of God. Everyone, after death, will be resurrected; believers to everlasting life in Heaven, unbelievers to judgment and everlasting, conscious punishment in the Lake of Fire. The heavens and the earth will be made new, and believers will abide in joy and fellowship with God in the New Jerusalem forever.
As believers in Yeshua the Messiah, IT IS GOD'S COMMAND THAT WE LOVE HIM, love one another, and love those who are not believers. We can know that we love God if we are living according to His Word. We can know that we love one another if we are serving fellow believers. We can know that we love unbelievers if we are befriending them and sharing the Gospel of Messiah with them.

Shalom in Messiah

We are a non-profit organization that exists to expose and fight antisemitism, as well as to equip and mobilize Christians to lead the Jewish people to the Messiah.
Copyright © 2024 Shalom in Messiah Ministries
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